
Andrea Lazzari


Designer Andrea Lazzari was born in 1972 in Venice.
From 1996, after his design studies in industrial design he began to create lighting.
From 1999 he collaborated with the biggest lighting houses such as Panzeri.
In 2002, he founded his studio "WORKS STUDIO" with a new independent career path.
Since 2005, he has been an artistic director and product manager for certain brands in the lighting sector.
Andrea Lazzari also designs packaging and other consumer products, stands and showrooms for national and international trade fairs.

He has received several publications in national magazines and in the biggest international magazines, such as Domus, Interni, Ottagono, Casaviva, Elle Decor, Abitare, GdA and many others.

He notably created the Cross wall lamp for the Panzeri house.

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"A decorative design based on an industrial culture."