
Ay lin Heinen


Ay Lin Heinen, co-owner of Ay Illuminate with her husband Casper Heinen, has played a crucial role as a driving force in developing relationships with artisanal communities since the early days of the brand's creation. She initiated collaborations with artisans specializing in basket-weaving techniques in Indonesia to create a distinctive line of baskets. During her initial journey, Aylin spent weeks working alongside local artisans, refining the products.

The ambition of the Ay Illuminate team, including Ay Lin Heinen, is to develop luminaires that offer new design perspectives. Their commitment to sustainable collaborations leads them to work alongside craftsmen they consider the best in their field. This approach reflects their desire to have a positive impact on the world while working with the highest quality raw materials.

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"Aylin spent weeks working alongside local artisans, refining the products."